J.J. Abrams and Chewbacca Take the Twizzler Challenge

J.J. Abrams and Chewbacca Take the Twizzler Challenge

Star Wars: The Force Awakens director J.J. Abrams made out with Chewbecca, but there was a very good reason behind their lip-lock. Jimmy Kimmel challenged the director and his furry Wookie star to participate in the Twizzler Challenge in support of Autism Awareness Month.

The idea is to recreate the famous Lady and the Tramp scene in which the animated canine characters eat the same piece of spaghetti and end up in a kiss, but substituting in a Twizzler for the spaghetti.

After accepting the challenge, and after Abrams wound up with a piece of Chewie’s hair in his mouth, Abrams and Chewbacca challenged Jennifer Aniston and Guillermo to take the challenge.