The Best 2013 Super Bowl Commercials

TiVo 2013 Super Bowl Top Commercials

My picks for the best commercials of the 2013 Super Bowl are Budweiser’s “Brotherhood” ad with the Clydesdale foal, Oreo’s “Whisper Fight” in a library, and Samsung’s “The Next Big Thing” with Seth Rogen and Paul Rudd. However, according to TiVo none of my favorites made the Top 10 list of Super Bowl XLVII commercials.

TiVo uses a “second-by-second audience research service which ranks these top ten commercials based on actual commercial retention and viewership relative to the program viewership numbers” in order to create their annual list of the best Super Bowl ads.

Says Tara Maitra, Senior Vice President, General Manager Content & Media Sales at TiVo: “We’re seeing more Super Bowl commercials created by users and voted on before the game, as well as brands previewing their spots on the web well before Super Bowl Sunday. This shift reduces the element of surprise in making a commercial successful and TRA’s unique ability to help networks and marketers determine what’s really resonating with viewers can help improve the effectiveness of ad campaigns and ultimately the ROI of an ad buy.”

TiVo’s Top 10 Commercials:

1. Taco Bell “Viva Young”
2. Doritos “Goat For Sale”
3. Hyundai Santa Fe “Pick Your Team”
4. Doritos “Fashionista Daddy”
5. “Perfect Date”
6. M&Ms “Anything for Love”
7. Sketchers “Man Vs. Cheetah”
8. Pepsi Next “Pepsi Next Drink it to Believe It”
9. Audi “Prom”
10. Volkswagen “Get In. Get Happy”

However, Adweek has also put together a list of the five best ads for Super Bowl Sunday and its list looks completely different.

1. RAM “Farmer”
2. Budweiser “Brotherhood”
3. Samsung “The Next Big Thing”
4. Oreo “Whisper Fight”
5. Taco Bell “Viva Young”