John Mayer is Recovering from Throat Surgery

John Mayer
John Mayer - Photo © Richard Chavez
Resting his voice for a few weeks didn’t help and so John Mayer had to undergo surgery on October 20, 2011 on the granuloma just above his vocal cord. He’s on complete vocal rest for at least a month, reports the Grammy-winning singer, and has already had to cancel a few concerts.
From John Mayer on Tumblr:

I should be frustrated but I can’t seem to stop thinking about beautiful things… I never thought I’d be wishing I could do what I love again; I stay in at night, picking guitar parts off of records and dreaming of playing on the big stage. The only difference between now and when I was 18 is that now I have this beautiful, meaningful record waiting for me when I can sing it.

Until then, I’m taking off. Going to travel the country, look and listen.”

Mayer’s next album, Born and Raised, will be released in 2012.