Jack Didn’t Have to Die, So Says the Mythbusters

Adam Savage, James Cameron and Jamie Hyneman
Movie Director James Cameron is seen on set with hosts Adam Savage and Jamie Hyneman during the filming of an episode of Mythbusters in San Francisco. (Photo Courtesy of Discovery Channel/Don Feria)
If Jack and Rose worked together, and if they had tied Rose’s life jacket under the board, both could have survived the sinking of the Titanic. Of course, Jack and Rose didn’t actually exist and if Jack had survived, we’d have a totally different Titanic movie – possibly one that didn’t set box office records upon its release.
The Mythbusters guys explained the results of their experiment to Titanic filmmaker James Cameron, who quickly pointed out the obvious. “I think you guys are missing the point here. The script says Jack dies. He has to die. Maybe we screwed up and the board should have been a little tiny bit smaller, but the dude’s going down.”

Source: Discovery Channel
Posted by Rebecca Murray