What is This Video? Vin Diesel Sings, Dances and Gets Happy

About four minutes into this…well…bizarre but unforgettable video, Vin Diesel says he’s just happy because Riddick is number one on the DVD charts and Universal wants to develop another one. Apparently as his way of thanking fans for their continued support, Diesel felt like singing and dancing and then showing off the video of him singing and dancing to his millions of Facebook followers. Diesel’s songs of choice: Katy Perry’s “Dark Horse” and Beyoncé’s “Drunk In Love.” Wearing a white tank top and camouflage shorts, Diesel comes across like a regular dude just hanging out, videoing himself for no real reason. And when he busts out with “Drunk in Love!” it’s a moment you’ll never forget.
He also takes a break during the music video to ask if his fans watched the Grammys and to explain that he was working and couldn’t go.
Gotta love Vin Diesel. The guy knows how to connect with his fans.

-Posted by Rebecca Murray

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