Book Review: ‘Frozen Solid’ by James M. Tabor

Frozen Solid Book Review

Imagine you are trapped in the most unforgiving conditions and place in the world: the South Pole. And it’s about to get worse because winter-over is coming. In winter-over, no one can arrive or leave – if you don’t fly out in four days, you will be stuck there for eight months. Why? Because temperatures average 100 degrees below zero. Now imagine you are surrounded by temperature- and isolation-induced crazy people, including a murderer……

It is into this harshest of all environments that Hallie Leland, a microbiologist for the Center for Disease Control, is sent to complete the research started by another scientist, Emily Durant. Hallie’s specialty is studying organisms that live in extreme environments. Upon her arrival, Hallie is given Emily’s former room and is told Emily committed suicide. In the room, she finds clues to her predecessor’s mysterious death and soon learns Emily’s death was not caused by her own hands. Hallie also learns the terrible living conditions bring out the worst in her fellow inhabitants; not just physically but mentally. They suffer from terrible coughs, illnesses, mental anguish, paranoia and out-and-out hostility. And did I mention there is no contact with the outside world? Apparently the station’s satellite communications system is not working – no emails or phone calls to the outside world will go through, and none are received.

The polar research station is home to a microorganism known as Vishnu, whose chemical powers have the potential to cure global warming. It is Hallie’s mission to extract this microorganism from deep below the ice and study the sample. This organism could very well end the world’s dependence on fossil fuels. But someone wants to stop her – unknown to Hallie, there is an international conspiracy working against her, and she is in great danger.

The suspense never ends in Frozen Solid, as Hallie races in a battle against time, unknown enemies, an extremely brutal environment, and a murderer. Frozen Solid is well written, and when Hallie has to save two of her colleagues after they fall through the ice, you are right there with her. Freezing and holding your breath, but with her. This happens a lot during this book. You will feel Hallie’s anxiety, fear, and the bitter cold and darkness of the South Pole.

You might need a dictionary for some medical and scientific jargon, but you won’t need any help imagining the cold and terror of Hallie, a brave and determined heroine.

– Reviewed by Karen Mitchell

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Frozen Solid was written by James M Tabor and was released on March 26, 2013.

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