‘Mayans M.C.’ Season 5 Episode 2 Recap: “Lord Help My Poor Soul”

Clayton Cardenas as Angel Reyes in ‘Mayans MC’ season 5 episode 2 (Photo by Prashant Gupta/FX)

FX’s Mayans M.C. season five episode one ended with Creeper being repeatedly stabbed in prison. Episode two, “Lord Help My Poor Soul,” opens with Santo Padre meeting to discuss the attack. Angel (Clayton Cardenas) knows half the guards belong to Iron War, and Gilly (Vincent Vargas) believes the attack happened right after he finished visiting with Creeper.

They don’t know Creeper’s condition, but the attack was brutal.

Kate (Stella Maeve) visits Creeper (Joseph Raymond Lucero) at the hospital, where he’s handcuffed and hooked up to machines. He’s conscious and orders her to leave, and she wants to put him in protective custody. He refuses, and Kate confesses she wishes she’d never accepted this assignment. They toss insults at each other, and finally, Creeper cuts to the chase. If she wants to help him, she needs to find out the name of the rat inside Santo Padre!

Meanwhile, Adelita (Carla Baratta) continues to work for Soledad and the Lobos. (Angel has no idea about her involvement with the cartel.) Part of her job is to pick up and drop off payments, and the workers who toil in the poppy fields regard her as the devil.

Angel’s assessment of the prison guards is confirmed when the Iron War Imperial Valley charter president rolls up to the prison for his shift. The guards getting off their shift head to their bikes, and the guard directly responsible for allowing the hit on Creeper is revealed to be the charter’s VP.

The Mayans have perfect timing, and the Iron War guards are still in the prison parking lot when they arrive. EZ (JD Pardo) has brought a lot of backup and confronts the Iron War president, making fun of them for playing dress up and being racists. Iron War’s president insists they only see Blue and Black. Angel laughs and suggests they look a little too sweet to be blue – “more like a violet.”

EZ points out they let a Mayan get attacked, and the Iron War pres calls the club bottom feeders. Gilly points out the guard who was present in the visiting room, and he has horrible scars on his face. EZ realizes he’s the Iron War member who Anne cut up when the club visited Broken Saints in the Salton Sea.

Additional armed guards arrive and take up spots behind their off-duty co-workers. Iron War’s president points out that the Mayans used to be great under Alvarez, but now they’re just sad. Iron War taunts EZ, suggesting he’s whining because he can’t keep his own guys safe behind bars.

Elsewhere, Soledad (Selene Luna) and Miguel Galindo (Danny Pino) have a tense meeting with Mr. Villar-Fuentes to propose an alliance. Villar-Fuentes shocks them by acknowledging he knows Lincoln Potter’s pulling their strings, adding that Miguel’s father also was in bed with the Americans. Miguel confirms Potter sent them but knows that as long as the cartels fight, the Americans will remain in control. Working together, they can free themselves from the DEA’s grip.

There’s been blood spilled on both sides, but the Lobos are willing to embrace Villar-Fuentes’ men as brothers. Villar-Fuentes agrees to the deal and looks forward to f**king the Americans and securing their families’ legacies.

During the meeting, Miguel spots the man who gave the order to murder young Tomas (in season 4 episode 5). He follows the man into the restaurant and beats him to death while explaining that he’s doing it for Tomas.

Hank (Frankie Loyal) continues to be a good son and decent man, paying for his elderly mom to be placed in a nice facility. She’s been falling and her memory’s going, and she’s confused about the move and promises to be good. He assures her she didn’t do anything wrong. She begs him not to leave her, and Hank’s heart is breaking as he walks out of her room.

Downer (Angel Oquendo) and Guerro (Ibarra’s son, played by Andrew Jacobs) follow the guard with the scar. Guerro takes a baseball bat to the Iron War member’s head as he’s stopped at a traffic light. They take him back to the clubhouse, and EZ beats the crap out of him while demanding to know who’s running the pipeline.

Michael Irby as Obispo “Bishop” Losa in ‘Mayans MC’ season 5 episode 2 (Photo by Prashant Gupta/FX)

EZ’s out of control and too brutal, nearly killing the guy without obtaining any useful information. EZ turns on his own guys and has to be held back from hitting Bishop (Michael Irby). He pulls himself together and stalks off, leaving the club to get rid of the critically injured Iron War member.

Adelita returns home and relieves Felipe (Edward James Olmos) of babysitting duty. She’s late and Felipe’s worried about her, but Adelita claims she’s fine.

Elsewhere, the Galindo family sits down for an incredibly tense dinner. Emily (Sarah Bolger) was forced to return home after Miguel had her sister killed and took Cristobal, and he warns her that she can leave whenever she wants but will never, ever be alone with their son again.

Miguel suggests that being together as a family isn’t so bad. Emily hasn’t spoken or even glanced at her husband during this conversation. Instead, she stares straight ahead at their son.

Sons of Anarchy San Bernardino President Isaac Packer (JR Bourne) and a few Sons hold Mayans M.C. Inland Empire’s president and VP at gunpoint, with the president’s wife and young daughter also in the room. Isaac seems to be using this attack as a therapy session, describing his dysfunctional relationship with his brother, Les, who doesn’t like him.

Isaac forces the pres to choose between his Mayans brother and his wife. Which family will he choose? San Bernardino’s president demands Isaac kill him instead, but Isaac claims that’s cheating.

The pres finally points to his VP and he’s shot in the head.

Angel returns home, totally in the dark about how Adelita spends her days. He asks about her and Maverick’s day, and Adelita lies and says it was quiet and boring. Angel lies and says that his was quiet and boring, too.

EZ learns that the Inland Empire is out.

EZ shows up at Marcus’ house at night, uninvited and unwelcome. He admits he doesn’t know everything, and their brothers are dying. But EZ falls short of taking the blame. Instead, he asks Marcus how the club ended the first war.

Marcus (Emilio Rivera) ignores the question, says no one from the club has come to visit, and reveals he’s having a baby. EZ apologizes for how it all went down but Marcus doesn’t care. If EZ ever returns, he’ll shoot him.

The following morning Sofia (Andrea Cortés) helps EZ shave off his hair while over at Angel’s place, the proud papa picks up his young son from his crib. The peace of the morning’s shattered when Angel realizes Adelita isn’t answering when he calls out. Cole (Branton Box) and one of his men appear out of nowhere and warn Angel that the club needs to stop looking into the pipeline. If they don’t let it go, innocent people in Angel’s life will pay the price. (Cole is an ex-Special Forces soldier and mercenary who appeared in two season one episodes.)

In other news, DOJ accountant Watkins discovers a discrepancy in someone’s files. He reports it to his boss, and it’s important enough to hand deliver it to their supervisor (played by Dana Delany).

Kate attempts to get into the Records room to find information on the Mayans rat, but her badge doesn’t unlock the door.

Downer, Gilly, Bishop, and Hank sit around a table at the clubhouse, talking about what went down in the Inland Empire. They realize Santo Padre’s all alone now, and without the pipeline, they can’t win the war. Downer says it’s over and they lost, but Hank insists it’s not done until they say it is.

“The only thing you can trust E to do is get the rest of you f**kers killed, too,” says Bishop, unaware EZ’s standing right behind him. EZ doesn’t react to what Bishop said and instead asks if anyone knows why Angel called an emergency meeting.

The meeting commences, and Angel tells his brother it’s over. Cole came to his house and demanded they stop, which means it’s Cole who supplied Soledad and the cartel with military-grade weapons. They also figure out that’s why Iron War and the prison guards aren’t scared of them; they’re dealing with Cole’s group. Hank realizes the cartel must have switched to supplying fentanyl after the warehouse fire. It’s a quick way to make up for the lost cash.

The pipeline is now the cartel, Cole, Iron War, and Storm 88.

Angel’s shocked when EZ laughs. EZ explains that they’ll just knock off all the players now that they know their identities. Angel reminds him about Cole’s threat and that they aimed a gun at Maverick. Angel declares, again, that it’s over. Bishop also reminds EZ that they’re already fighting a war and losing; they can’t go after Cole.

EZ explains that he’s not going after Cole. The Mayans will take out the cartel!

This post was last modified on July 20, 2023 12:05 am

Rebecca Murray: Journalist covering the entertainment industry for 23+ years, including 13 years as the first writer for About.com's Hollywood Movies site. Member of the Critics Choice Association (Film & TV Branches), Alliance of Women Film Journalists, and Past President of the San Diego Film Critics Society.
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